
Celebrate 50 Years of Cru at Penn State

Friday, October 30 - Saturday, October 31, 2015

University Park, PA

The Penn State Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) Alumni Interest Group invites you to come back to dear old State this fall. Throughout the weekend of October 30th, you will have the opportunity to connect with fellow alums, current students, and meet the Penn State staff team. Together, we will celebrate all God has done over the past five decades, cheer the Nittany Lions to victory, and hear how God is using Cru to change the hearts and lives of students, faculty, and staff. There will also be an opportunity to come alongside Penn State Cru, to invest your time, talent, and treasure to further what God is doing to turn lost students and faculty into lifelong Christ centered laborers Penn State and around the world.

More info coming soon!

Please refer to this spreadsheet for information on area hotels.

Please RSVP by October 23rd

  1. Visit or
  2. Contact Ross Shearer at or (706) 580-7546


Friday | October 30

Saturday | October 31

Download the digital invite.